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Pass through the fire
icon 01.12.2021 icon 0x icon 1535x
You will pass through the fire uninjured.
You are like as of ice,
my love.
Cold you are
and break the heart, life steal.
The fervency extinguishes
with your walking.
Heavens are falling apart
and heart awake.
The smile becomes bitter
and days they grow
Heavens are falling apart.

The days are change in a memorie.
In yours passion, romance.
Im coming back an alone without hope.
Room a betrayal tortures the soul.
In minutes your experiencing,
he should have remained closed.

Heavens are falling apart.
The sigh name changes face.
In all faith, in ours love.
Is falling apart in a dust.
Old photos, days of shadows.
In the night of convulsions
a heart are coldly.

The days are change in a memorie.
In yours passion, romance.
Im coming back an alone without hope.
Room a betrayal tortures the soul.
In minutes your experiencing,
he should have remained closed.

You will pass through the fire uninjured.
With the smile you say goodbye.
In the cold you leave the days of future.
You leave the fall apart a heavens.
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