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I LOVE THOU (but thou are disappointment)

I LOVE THOU (but thou are disappointment)
icon 09.05.2021 icon 3x icon 1492x
In a sleepless night
the heart awakes.
In a mind thousand
thoughts and bitter choice.

It was two nights,
two beautiful evenings.

Into to the today is
silence a reality.
Your smile, mine sin.
And the love a poison
...still loving you!

Words are a motivation
and the steps a choice.
The love is purpose
and thou disappointment.

In a sleepless night
the heart bleed.
I regret my gait,
you should have been a medicine.

Into to the today is
silence a reality.
Your smile, mine sin.
And the love a poison
...still loving you!

Passed few month,month and day.
Mind knows that we are
for a while they played.
But the heart dont believe.

The love is purpose
and thou disappointment.
I regret my gait,
you should have been a medicine.
PeopleSTAR (1 hodnocení)
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