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Where isnt a heart isnt a pain

Where isnt a heart isnt a pain
icon 29.04.2021 icon 0x icon 1676x
In a thousands fervency
and the Pain of days.
In a blazing embrace
and approaching the end.
The silent is again a filling.
And yours words a blades.

Gracefully thou
coming and leave.
Thou beauty with shackle
and leave a pain.

Steps they came the end.
She breath disappeared.
Bitterly a smile.
The Rain falls on a shoulders
and a hiden the tears.
The Poison ist a certainty days
and the calm with disappears.

Gracefully thou
coming and leave.
Thou beauty with shackle
and leave a pain.

Gracefully thou coming
and the body the lure.
...Pain you leave.
The beauty is hostage and
the days are lose in reproaches.
Where isnt a heart isnt a pain.

Thou are distant
and yet with me.
Approaching end I resist.
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